Customer Testimonials

Showing 73 to 84 of 152 testimonials that match your search

I must congratulate your motability specialist on the professional, helpful and friendly service that he provides.
B Ridley
Vauxhall Sunderland
Would like to say thank you for helping my father for last 15 years then also following family tradition I also now dealing with the same sales executive.
D Hughes
Vauxhall Sunderland
I am very happy with my new motability car. This is the second car I've had and as ever the motability specialist was very professional with a friendly manner. Thank you.
N Wilson
Vauxhall Sunderland
I acquired my car through the Motability scheme and could not have been happier with the way I was lead through the entire process. I can't see how the service I received could have been bettered so for that I thank the Motability specialist and the dealership staff.
K Oliver
Vauxhall Sunderland
I would just like to say the excellent customer service your staff have provided and massive thanks to Juma, He is definitely good and a credit, they all went above and beyond.
A Austin
Vauxhall Sunderland
I would like to thank the sales executive for his exellent customer service. He made us both feel comfortable and at ease during our first meeting. He is a credit to your company and yourselves.
D Stubbs
Vauxhall Sunderland
The sales executive made the whole experience, which I found a bit daunting previously, a pleasure and I will be returning to Bristol Street Motors again without a doubt.
K Matthewson
Vauxhall Sunderland
The sales executive is a great man who always makes me smile even when he's on the other end of the phone!
E Bewley
Vauxhall Sunderland
I have just getting my new motability car and was very happy with the care and services I received. Very help and well manned.
K Lynch
Vauxhall Sunderland
The sales executive's warmth and amazing personality made my wife and I feel more like old friends than potential customers .His knowledge and understanding of customers needs and requirements is second to none and was very sympathetic to my own difficulties.
C Wallace
Vauxhall Sunderland
Very happy with the service - everything ran smoothly and the people very nice.
S White
Vauxhall Sunderland
After receiving my new car I would like to say I am delighted with the helo and care i received from the motobility salesman, he made me feel at ease for which I am very gratefull
K McCormick
Vauxhall Sunderland