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Ford treats race fans to Ken Block show in Detroit

20/01/2012 15:58

Ford treats race fans to Ken Block show in Detroit

Fans of Ken Block were given a real treat at the recent Detroit Motor Show.

The Ford Gymkhana driver was uses as the inspiration of an augmented reality campaign which saw visitors sit down while Block's Ford Fiesta speeds around them.

In much the same style as Block's many videos, a virtual version of his specced up Fiesta drifted round a yellow circle spilling black smoke inches from the faces of those taking part.

Every user's experience has been recorded and all the videos will be posted on video sharing site YouTube.

It is the latest in a long line of Gymkhana stunts, which mostly see Block thrashing around in the Fiesta and pushing the car to its limits.

Last year saw the expert driver performing a series of donuts and perfectly-calculated drifts around the famous Universal Studios resort in Los Angeles.

The video saw the Ford Fiesta forming Terminator-style from liquid metal before screeching away and power sliding in the car park of the famous Bates Motel.

Posted by Sebastian Turkenburg