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Multilingual road signs are being trialled on the M6 North to Carlisle to help European lorry drivers on their journeys.
Bristol Street Motors

The M6 Goes Multilingual

The M6 Goes Multilingual

To make a difference, you must be different and the M6 has certainly shown us that.

Electronic road signs have been introduced on the A66 and A69, which display important road side messages in nine different languages, helping European lorry drivers to understand any road closures or diversions that they struggle to read in English.

This technical revelation is definitely something to beep our horns about in joy. It’s the first time any signs like these have been set up in the UK, highlighting the work Highways England have been undergoing to make improvements for local communities and foreign drivers.

These multilingual signs feature an automatic number plate reader to identify the vehicle’s country of origin to determine which language needs to be shown on the road sign – it’s genius, we know!

This technical advancement will create numerous benefits. Not only will they aid European drivers in comprehending diversion routes and improving their understanding of road works, it will also stop local communities being affected by lorries going the wrong way if they haven’t understood the signs, which can sometimes create unsuitable diversion routes.

This trial of multilingual signs is something to commend Highways England for, showcasing the advancements that are being worked on to improve road works for everybody – because let’s be honest, we all hate road disruptions!

So, if you’re heading down the M6 North of Carlisle, make sure to look out for the multilingual signs and let us know what you think about them by tweeting us at @BristolStMotors. And remember, keep up to date with all the latest news on our page at Bristol Street Motors

Image Credit: Highways England