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The firm's new Invitation project will be based at the Sunderland plant.
Bristol Street Motors

Nissan to build new car in UK

Nissan to build new car in UK

Nissan delivers a huge boost to the UK's automotive industry with an announcement earlier today (March 6th) that the new £125 million Invitation project will be based in Sunderland.

The north-east factory will oversee development of the new model in a move that is expected to create around 2,000 new jobs.

Business secretary Vince Cable described the news as "fantastic", saying it will boost the Sunderland base and the wider supply chain.

It comes shortly after Dr Cable revealed that his intention is to use the Geneva Motor Show to highlight the UK's credibility as a production base in the hope of persuading General Motors and other carmakers to relocate here.

The news has also been welcomed by Robert Forrester, Chief Executive of north-east based Bristol Street Motors, which owns several Nissan Dealerships in the UK.

"Nissan products are great sellers. The innovative design combined with brilliant North East workmanship makes a reliable and exciting vehicle range which is really popular with our customers," he commented.

"The news of this investment is a fantastic boost for the north-east. The effects will be felt throughout the local economy, from parts suppliers to dealerships like ours. It is a good news story that promotes the north-east's ability to design, manufacture and export high quality products."

Posted by Craig Salter