SE L 1.0 TSI 115PS
Initial rental
Monthly rental
Monthly rentals
We act as credit brokers and we are not a lender. All prices exclude VAT. Based on 5,000 miles per annum. Excess mileage charges of 15p +VAT per mile apply.
SKODA Scala | Initial Rental +VAT | Monthly Rentals +VAT | Term | Miles Per Annum* |
SKODA Scala SE L 1.0 TSI 115PS | £1,175.13 | £130.57 | 9+47 | 5,000 |
SKODA Scala SE L 1.6 TDI DSG | £1,635.66 | £181.74 | 9+47 | 5,000 |
*All quotes based on 5,000 miles per annum. All Business Contract Hire rentals exclude VAT. All figures are correct at time of publication but may be subject to change. Offers applicable at participating SKODA Dealers. Subject to model and colour availability.