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Showing 25 to 35 of 35 news articles that match your search

5 Ways To Be A Better Driver In 2019

5 Ways To Be A Better Driver In 2019

It’s that time of year, when everyone starts to look ahead to what 2019 might hold in store, with many people setting personal goals like eating better, drinking more water and exercising more. These goals are all fantastic – but why not add a few driving-related resolutions to the mix? There’s always room for improvement, right?

Electric Vehicles Causing a Spark Amongst UK Youth

Electric Vehicles Causing a Spark Amongst UK Youth

With the government announcing it has set a target for 50% of all new car sales to be in the ultra-low emissions category by 2035, its certainly very welcome that young people are looking seriously at electric vehicles as their car of choice

Drivers Guide To Driving In a Heatwave

Drivers Guide To Driving In a Heatwave

UK weather is always a little unpredictable and this summer has been no different! We've all enjoyed the sun but what does heat do to your car? There are a few things to look out for!

Drivers Guide To Driving In Torrential Rain

Drivers Guide To Driving In Torrential Rain

In true form, the British weather is some what unpredictable this year and it's good to know what precautions to take when driving! Here, we go through what to do when it's bucketing down!

What To Look For When Buying a Used Car

What To Look For When Buying a Used Car

It's sage advice that you should go and see a used car before you buy it, but do you really know what to look out for? With this handy checklist, now you will!

Driver's Guide To Buying A Used Car

Driver's Guide To Buying A Used Car

Are you looking to buy a used car but don't know where to start? We've put together the go-to guide for buying a used car, so you can avoid pitfalls and skip straight to cruising around town!

5 Reasons To Buy a Used Car

5 Reasons To Buy a Used Car

Have you ever considered buying a used car? Whether you are looking for a change or just passed your test, here are 5 reasons why you should buy a used car!

How To Drive in Windy Weather

How To Drive in Windy Weather

With the UK being a relatively small island, we're often exposed to windy conditions that can be very tricky to drive in. Here are our top tips for driving in windy weather.

Should I Buy or Lease a Car?

Should I Buy or Lease a Car?

New car sales and registrations are as high as theyve ever been. According to new car registration figures collected by the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, by January 2015, 164,856 new cars were registered compared to 154,562 new car registrations in January 2013.

What is a Crossover Car?

What is a Crossover Car?

In November 2014, it was announced that the Nissan Qashqai had broken British records. Over 2 million units of the car have been made in Britain since production started in 2006, and in 2010 the Qashqai became the 10th bestselling new car in Britain; the first Nissan to make the top 10 since 1983.

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